TK缩写的意思-TelekomÜnikasyon Kurumu (official telecommunications authority in Turkey)


  • 【英文缩写】: TK
  • 【英文全称】: TelekomÜnikasyon Kurumu (official telecommunications authority in Turkey)
  • 【中文解释】: TelekomÜnikasyon Kurumu (official telecommunications authority in Turkey)
  • 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
  • 【缩写简介】: TK 相关英文缩写
以上为TelekomÜnikasyon Kurumu (official telecommunications authority in Turkey)英文缩略词TK的中文解释及分类。


英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
TK TelekomÜnikasyon Kurumu (official telecommunications authority in Turkey) TelekomÜnikasyon Kurumu (official telecommunications authority in Turkey)
TK Tokelau (ISO country code, top level domain) 托克劳(ISO国家代码,顶级域)
TK TiefkÜhl (German: deep-freeze, frequently used in supermarkets) TiefkÜhl (German: deep-freeze, frequently used in supermarkets)
TK To Come (phonetic abbreviation used in journalism) To Come(新闻中使用的语音缩写)
TK Tornikanuuna (Finnish: fixed coastal artillery) Tornikanuuna(芬兰语:固定海岸炮)
TK Teatri Kombëtar (National Theatre, Albania) Teatri Kombëtar (National Theatre, Albania)
TK Techniker Krankenkasse (German health insurer) Techniker Krankenkasse(德国健康保险公司)
TK Telekommunikation (German: telecommunication) 电信(德语:Telecommunikation)
TK Technical Knock-out (usually written TKO) 技术淘汰(通常为TKO)
TK Temple Knight (gaming, Final Fantasy XI) 圣殿骑士(游戏,最终幻想XI)
上表最多展示TK的10条常用含义,点击 TK 查看更多。


  • TK TelekomÜnikasyon Kurumu (official telecommunications authority in Turkey)
  • SBR Sveriges Biodlares Riksförbund (Swedish: Swedish Beekeepers Association)
  • SMU 超级富翁大学(虚构的,从电视节目Gilligan岛)
  • SRCM SocietÀ Romana Costruzioni Meccaniche (Italian, training hand grenades)
  • SJ Sitara-E-Jura 'at(星勋章授予巴基斯坦军队)
  • SIEm SocietÀ Italiana di Elettromagnetismo (Italian Electromagnetic Society)
  • STB Sammlung Bauaufsichtlich EingefÜhrte Technische Baubestimmungen (German)
  • RKU Revolutionär Kommunistisk Ungdom (Revolutionary Communist Youth, Sweden)
  • PIP Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (Puerto Rican Independence Party)
  • PDC Partido DemÓcrata Cristiano de Cuba (Christian Democratic Party of Cuba)
  • OECA Organizaciones EconÓmicas Campesinas (Campesino Economic Organizations)
  • OPS OrganizaciÓn Panamericana de la Salud (Pan American Health Organization)
  • OSM Orchestre Symphonique de MontrÉal (French: Montreal Symphonic Orchestra)
  • ONE 办公室德拉等'Enfance de fixation诞生出生和孩子(比利时)
  • NEBS Neue Europäische Bewegung Schweiz (German: New Swiss European Movement)